Wednesday, December 19, 2018

our trip to the USA part 3

on the 4th night i think, the air mattress we bought with Alison in Walmart exploded in the middle of the night, but not in a way where all the air came out but rather one of the seems on the top side gave way so there was a hill where Ayelet was sleeping and i fell to the ground from the pressure lost, it felt like the floor broke... so basically what happened was that she went flying in the air as i went down... all this with a very loud pop! we did not understand what just happened because it was pitch black at the dead of the night and all were sleeping or practicing, so we tried to go back to sleep... eventually we got up and went to the Gompa to practice only to come back to the Stupa later to look at the mattress and see what really happened in the middle of the night. realizing we can not sleep on it like this we understood that karma is ripening and we will sleep uncomfortably on the floor from now on till the end of this Drubchen... after all, we came here with the mind set of removing obstacles and that is what we will do with a loving heart. and so it was.  
me sitting on the floor after folding up the blown air mattress

as the days went by and we got into the rhythm of the Drubchen, it became more magical... endless moments of synchronicity and karmic circles at every turn close and reopen a new... wow. no words can describe the tremendous-ness of the entire event... from all those obstacles prior to the flight, all those little moments of hardships... all gone, replaced by a deep understanding of the workings of karma and having less and less resistance to it all... acceptance and trust replaced internal fighting and fear... so magical.
on the seventh day I think I went through an open-heart surgery in the middle of the practice... all of a sudden, I started to cry for no apparent reason... I did not feel sad, just crying and crying till the mat beneath me was totally wet and then i started laughing from the bottom of my soul! then crying once again.... I could not understand what was happening and all through it all I stayed completely relaxed and aware... then came silence. internal silence and all became clear... no words can describe this experience... 
as the session ended and Rinpoche left the Gompa for a 15-minute brake (he walks over to the stupa and makes circumambulations before returning to his seat for the next session... I walked outside to try and recuperate from this whole experience when Rinpoche walked pass me. I could not express the tremendous love and eon less devotion I felt so I just bowed in tears and then hugged him.... he laughed and hit me on the head with his loving hand... I arose and he asked me and Ayelet who was standing by taking these photos how is our prayer wheel business? are they buying them? do they like the new design? (we will have a whole post just for that one subject) we answered his questions and he laughed and said: "thank you for crafting prayer wheels" and walked away to the stupa leaving us both there to again try to comprehend what is happening. 

days went by, love grew and we felt connected to ancient time... geological time...
on the ninth day our "sleeping" karma cleared up and we were offered to go and sleep in the Tashi house for the renaming 2 nights and we jumped on the offer!
a bed! a room for ourselves! a shower!! woo hoo!!!!! what a treat that was! karma being paid...
me blown away in the Tashi house 

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